Got my ass squeezed by sexy cupid


Almost every journal I've had since the sixth grade has been covered proudly in gel pen scribbled hearts, lustful daydreams, and the ever changing initials of whatever boy I was crushing on at the time. Somehow, in between the pages of hate-filled rants directed towards my crazy-redhaired mother, my all too rural hometown, and my experiences with school related drama... there was always room for things like "I luv Keith sOo much!" or "I wonder if I shOuld give Craig a chance... He is SO hOtt!"

Eventually this innocent boy-crazyness evolved into detailed crush lists and confessions about making out, heart break, hooking up, my virginity, my first love, and tons of other things...
           Several boyfriends, crushes, kisses, spit swapping-boob grabbing-oh my god we got to second base-dry humping sessions, and a rendezvous or two with unrequited love later...

Romance, passion, love and lust remain enormously important parts of my every day musings and adventures.
So, The Love Monster is born.

This blog is about young love, old love, young lust, heartbreak, crushing, hot boys, even hotter girls, kissing, cuddling, relationships, sex, ~the single life, fashion, dating, growing up, and my advice/ contemplations on them all. 

1 comment:

  1. Its still so vivid, the night I took my boyfriends virginity in my bathroom as the new year was being rung in. I was barely even sober enough to stand up, let alone properly un fasten buttons and belts. It was all such a blur of lush, his hands down my pants, me climbing on top pretending to know what im doing. It was over before it began, but somehow so much had changed, I had five finger discounted his virginity, thieved his penis!

    Kels, you know who im talking about :D
